Moondog wrote to All <=-
Spring time is here, and I wanted to buy another hand gun, but didn't
want to spend a bundle. I stopped by the local shop, and undere the
glass in the used area was a Springfiueld XD Tactical in .40 cal. Most people prefer 9mm or .45, but I got into .40 cal because a friend gave
me all his brass he was saving. He used to frequent a park that had a pistol range, and the rangers would sweepe up the brass and sort it
while on fire watch. He gave me close t o 2000 spent .40 cases. I reload, so it's natural to use the free brass .
The pistol was barely used, showed little to no wear marks, and had aftermarket tritium night sights. Not usre how old it is, or how much
the life is on the tritium paint. Anyways, the sights are good in the daylight. The gun was priced for $299, which was hard to turn down. It came with a nice case with a cleaning kit and two mags.
I stopped by the shop yesterday, and now there's a used full sized M&P
2.0 in .40 in the case. I have a pre-2.0 but like the enhancements
they made. There's also an S&W SD 40 VE that looks lightly used, but maybe I'll wait before going on a spending spree.
I don't think you can go wrong in the short run at least - and possibly the long run - by buying whatever you see that you like when you see it. Wife a I have been on a bit of a buying spree lately, as we feel that the political winds regarding gun rights are just a little too unpredictable. While we ha more states enacting some sort of constitutional carry legislation, there's equally powerful lobby for restricting 2A right that is tightening the grip blue states. Combine that with the suspicious spate of mass shootings which seem to fit the desired narrative of the left, I fear we will be seeing fede restrictions enacted soon.
For the above stated reason we are just grabbing everything we THINK we MIGH want down the road to avoid any future attempts at registration and confiscation. I am thankful every day that I live in a strongly red state a hope that the current legislation prohibiting local LEO from cooperating wit federal officials in anti 2A activities is strong enough to protect my right as a citizen.
For the above stated reason we are just grabbing everything we THINK we MIGHT want down the road to avoid any future attempts at registration and confiscation. I am thankful every day that I live in a strongly red state and hope that the current legislation prohibiting local LEO from cooperating with federal officials in anti 2A activities is strong enough to protect my rights as a citizen.
Tracker1 wrote to Weatherman <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sun May 14 2023 02:10:00
For the above stated reason we are just grabbing everything we THINK we MIGHT want down the road to avoid any future attempts at registration and confiscation. I am thankful every day that I live in a strongly red state and hope that the current legislation prohibiting local LEO from cooperating with federal officials in anti 2A activities is strong enough to protect my rights as a citizen.
Yeah, Arizona has gone purple, and the interest rates mean I'm unlikely
to move for at least a few more years. I bought a 40mm handgun an
AR-15 and a shotgun last year, don't know the specific models offhand. They're stored at a friend's in his gun safe allong with a few dozen
other firearms. Mostly as an FU to the ATF when I saw they were doing checks on people purchasing more than 2 firearms at a time. I never
felt a real need to own one, but I'll be damned if the govt is going to tell me I can't.
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Tracker1 to Weatherman on Fri Jun 16 2023 11:34:08
You got a FORTY MILLIMTER handgun?!?!
Do you mean .40 Cal?
Moondog wrote to Xerxes <=-
By: Tracker1 to Weatherman on Fri Jun 16 2023 11:34:08
You got a FORTY MILLIMTER handgun?!?!
Do you mean .40 Cal?
I was wondering the same thing. A 40mm would be a grenade
launcher :)
Moondog wrote to Xerxes <=-
By: Tracker1 to Weatherman on Fri Jun 16 2023 11:34:08
You got a FORTY MILLIMTER handgun?!?!
Do you mean .40 Cal?
I was wondering the same thing. A 40mm would be a grenade
launcher :)
What's even stranger is that the OP stated he didn't even remember the make/model of the three guns he had recently purchased.
I can't quite process that statement. :-)
... Strip mining prevents forest fires.
What's even stranger is that the OP stated he didn't even remember the make/model of the three guns he had recently purchased.
I can't quite process that statement. :-)
Ya, that is weird. Gun owners are generally familiar with their purchases. It's like asking a gamer which cpu and gpu they are running in their rig. I can only think of one exception - around y2k a friend and his wife
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Gamgee to Moondog on Wed Jun 21 2023 19:18:00
What's even stranger is that the OP stated he didn't even remember the make/model of the three guns he had recently purchased.
I can't quite process that statement. :-)
Sorry on the .40mm vs .40 calibre. The handgun is a Sig, iirc something lik ased a firearm before that. And frankly didn't do much research. Again, was
Michael J. Ryan
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Moondog to Gamgee on Fri Jun 23 2023 14:28:00
Ya, that is weird. Gun owners are generally familiar with their purchas It's like asking a gamer which cpu and gpu they are running in their ri I can only think of one exception - around y2k a friend and his wife
I don't game much, but can tell you everything in my desktop. Until earlier nning an RX 6600 dual fan model (XFX Swift 210).
I'm not really a gun guy... I believe I specifically mentioned I'd never pur
Michael J. Ryan
Moondog wrote to Tracker1 <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Tracker1 to Gamgee on Tue Jun 27 2023 11:14 pm
It's kind of scary when the ATF calls because you made more than one purchase in a week's time. I understand the reason because of concern
of straw purchases.
Moondog wrote to Tracker1 <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Tracker1 to Gamgee on Tue Jun 27 2023 11:14 pm
It's kind of scary when the ATF calls because you made more than one purchase in a week's time. I understand the reason because of concern of straw purchases.
I've never had the ATF call me (in fact, when filling out the 4473, you are required to provide a phone number so how WOULD they?) when purching more th one firearm in a week's time. Just last weekend I purchase four firearms an can recall weeks where I had purchased six firearms.
Maybe I've just been lucky? I should be so lucky when I buy a lottery ticke
... Wherever you go, there you are!
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sat Jul 01 2023 01:42 am
Moondog wrote to Tracker1 <=-
The FFL holder is required by the ATF to inform them if a buy
er purchases multiple firearms within a week or two . The ATF will
take the address infromation then investigate whether the buyer is performing straw purchase.
The agents will come to the buyer's house and want to see that they
have the firearms in their possession (haven't sold or given them to anybody.) I have spoken to people that have been contacted by the ATF
(by mail) to inform them the FFL sent them the purchase information,
but haven't met anyone who has been visited by them.
Not sure if luck plays into it. It may be more dependent on how busy
the loca l ATF agent is, or the firearms in question whether they fit a profile.
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sat Jul 01 2023 01:42 am
Moondog wrote to Tracker1 <=-
The FFL holder is required by the ATF to inform them if a buy
er purchases multiple firearms within a week or two . The ATF will take the address infromation then investigate whether the buyer is performing straw purchase.
I repeat. I have never... EVER been contacted by BATF for any reason whatsoever, and I have purchased in excess of two fireams within a week (hel on the same DAY - and yes, from the same FFL) on multiple occassions.
The agents will come to the buyer's house and want to see that they have the firearms in their possession (haven't sold or given them to anybody.) I have spoken to people that have been contacted by the ATF (by mail) to inform them the FFL sent them the purchase information, but haven't met anyone who has been visited by them.
Any BATF agent that shows up unannounced on my doorstep had better have a warrant. No warrant, no entry, it's as simple as that. It's called the Fou Amendment to the US Constitution.
Not sure if luck plays into it. It may be more dependent on how busy the loca l ATF agent is, or the firearms in question whether they fit a profile.
Doubt if luck has anything to do with it. Multiple purchases in a specified period of time does NOT constitute reasonable cause to assume straw purchase Without reasonable cause, the BATF will be unable to obtain a search warrant Without a search warrant, the BATF has no enforceable right to search, seizu or interview.
... The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8m/s^2
I must have missed where you said first time purchaser. It's all good, though.
You have to start somewhere, some time. I would recommend getting familiar with your firearms, putting in some range time.
Doubt if luck has anything to do with it. Multiple purchases in a specified period of time does NOT constitute reasonable cause to assume straw purchases. Without reasonable cause, the BATF will be unable to obtain a search warrant. Without a search warrant, the BATF has no enforceable right to search, seizure or interview.
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Moondog to Tracker1 on Thu Jun 29 2023 09:14:00
I must have missed where you said first time purchaser. It's all good, though.
You have to start somewhere, some time. I would recommend getting famil with your firearms, putting in some range time.
Usually do a couple half days a year at the range. One of my best friends i use I've had depressive bouts in the past.
Mostly just exercising my rights. I've become very libertarian minded over
Michael J. Ryan
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sun Jul 02 2023 01:31:00
Doubt if luck has anything to do with it. Multiple purchases in a specified period of time does NOT constitute reasonable cause to assume straw purchases. Without reasonable cause, the BATF will be unable to obtain a search warrant. Without a search warrant, the BATF has no enforceable right to search, seizure or interview.
I doubt it's a matter of luck either... likely a very small number of people
As to the latter part, they don't need a warrant to knock on your door and a s and the like.
Michael J. Ryan
Tracker1 wrote to Weatherman <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sun Jul 02 2023 01:31:00
Doubt if luck has anything to do with it. Multiple purchases in a specified period of time does NOT constitute reasonable cause to assume straw purchases. Without reasonable cause, the BATF will be unable to obtain a search warrant. Without a search warrant, the BATF has no enforceable right to search, seizure or interview.
I doubt it's a matter of luck either... likely a very small number of people are ever interviewed. There may also be other flags, and correlated information.
As to the latter part, they don't need a warrant to knock on your door
and ask you anything. You simply aren't required to let them search without a warrant. As to cause, red tape, policy, etc is generally
enough. Especially in states with red flag laws and the like.
Tracker1 wrote to Weatherman <=-
Re: Re: New purchase
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Sun Jul 02 2023 01:31:00
Doubt if luck has anything to do with it. Multiple purchases in a specified period of time does NOT constitute reasonable cause to assume straw purchases. Without reasonable cause, the BATF will be unable to obtain a search warrant. Without a search warrant, the BATF has no enforceable right to search, seizure or interview.
I doubt it's a matter of luck either... likely a very small number of people are ever interviewed. There may also be other flags, and correlated information.
As to the latter part, they don't need a warrant to knock on your door and ask you anything. You simply aren't required to let them search without a warrant. As to cause, red tape, policy, etc is generally enough. Especially in states with red flag laws and the like.
I didn't say they couldn't come up to my door and ask questions. I said the had no ENFORCEABLE RIGHT to search or interview. I, however, DO have an enforceable right to demand they leave my property and not return unless and until they have a warrant. In this country the government does NOT have rights, the people do.
It's about damned time people started remembering that.
... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
MOONDOG wrote to ALL <=-
Spring time is here, and I wanted to buy another hand gun, but didn't
want to spend a bundle. I stopped by the local shop, and undere the
glass in the used area was a Springfiueld XD Tactical in .40 cal. Most people prefer 9mm or .45, but I got into .40 cal because a friend gave
me all his brass he was saving. He used to frequent a park that had a pistol range, and the rangers would sweepe up the brass and sort it
while on fire watch. He gave me close t o 2000 spent .40 cases. I reload, so it's natural to use the free brass .
The pistol was barely used, showed little to no wear marks, and had aftermarket tritium night sights. Not usre how old it is, or how much
the life is on the tritium paint. Anyways, the sights are good in the daylight. The gun was priced for $299, which was hard to turn down. It came with a nice case with a cleaning kit and two mags.
I stopped by the shop yesterday, and now there's a used full sized M&P
2.0 in .40 in the case. I have a pre-2.0 but like the enhancements
they made. There's also an S&W SD 40 VE that looks lightly used, but maybe I'll wait before going on a spending spree.
this thing had it. And for some stupid reason, wife had to have a .380 Derringer that she spotted.
high. I actually picked up all of the above for a FAIR price -
especially considering one should not expect bargains at a gun show. Suffice it to say I paid well below MSRP. Of course the dealer we purchased from is one we've bought from before so they were more
willing to cut us a deal.
Don't doe as much shooting as we used to do, I guess we're mainly just building the collection. Will be something of an inheritance....
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