I'm working on a bash script to generate a URL to download a requested file via http which can then work as a protocol.
All of it works, except for sending a message back to the user. I know very little about socket programming, would this involve the socket passed via the %h parameter?
I tried something similar to:
echo -e "test message\n" | netcat $1 $2
Where $1 and $2 map to %i %h (client ip, socket descriptor). But I don't see anything on the client's end.
'%h' would be a socket descriptor. 'netcat' does not accept a socket descriptor as an argument. I think you're passing the socket descriptor where netcat would expect to find a port (TCP or UDP).
&$descriptor printf 'your file(s) will be available at\r\n%s%s/ for one hour.\$
I'm working on a bash script to generate a URL to download a requested file via http which can then work as a protocol.
All of it works, except for sending a message back to the user. I know very little about socket programming, would this involve the socket passed via the %h parameter?
I tried something similar to:
echo -e "test message\n" | netcat $1 $2
Where $1 and $2 map to %i %h (client ip, socket descriptor). But I don't see anything on the client's end.
¨ Synchronet ¨ c.o.r.t.e.x | telnet://deepthaw.net
i have implemented a "mailer" protocol, you can check it, is a prof of concept. that the user, select this download protocol instead of zmodem,
and sbbs send a email with the url of file
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